On main                25.12.2006                  

Constitution of the Planet. 

Chapter 1 - Consent.

Chapter 2 - Happiness.

Chapter 3 - The Organization choice.

Chapter 4 - Culture.

Chapter 5 -  Family and children

Chapter 6 - Protection to personalities

Chapter 7 - Advice Minister

Chapter 8 - Greed

Chapter 9 - History

Chapter 10 - Openness

Chapter 11 - Word

Chapter 12 - Life must be holy

Chapter 13 - The Codex

The Constitution is written to change our World.

      A Millennium mankind can not build the equitable World therefore that can not find the compromise between money relations in management state and equitable distribution good. In state management need the people - an administrators, well having money relations. And having money spares, for introduction of their own decisions and attraction supporter. But their decisions must also serve the improvement to fairness and well-being in strane. So needs the Advice of the World, controlling fairness on all stage distribution good and decision making in state. In Advice of the World must be a people equitable, honored and having clearly determined amount personal good.

      UN today, having beautiful structure, has not neither money, nor authorities for decision of the worldwide problems since whole fullness authorities concentrated beside president. For this organizations not it is correct is chose place and no independent financing. So it hitherto can not manage neither with hunger, nor with war, nor with crisis resource and economic instability.