
                                            The Codex of the homo sapiens.

        In school does not teach, as must itself to lead the person. Not obligatory codex of the behavior is designed. But this subject must be most main in process of the formation. And binding on people, residing at performance state service.

     1. Not only not to kill, but also not to swear. All questions to solve only peace agreement.    

     2. Respect the people senior you and certainly their own parents.

     3. Respect the family, and never wind the novels with married woman or man. Not to marry to woman if she     reconnoitered, she, don't care, never already will not become Your woman.

     4. Do Not let's the vows.

     5. Asking give on lend, or on lend under guarantee, or gratis.

     6. Judge about folk on deals them.

     7. Making good, does not возгордись and not insult of the person.

     8. All people on the land - are your relatives, love them.

     9. Not answer ill on ill. The Answer good or ignore.