This page is dedicated to fight for peace.
World, in which exist crimes, where each seven seconds dies from hunger of the person and do not stop wars imperfect world, and its it is necessary to change.
We Address to all thinking and compassion for condition of the cribs mankind, residing beside the authorities and plain folk. Only in united longing our salvation. From each of you depend our future. You should do our world better. Two thousand years people wait while someone will do for them lucky life on the Land. But while each will not begin that, that does and all are not united, nothing not come.
That people lived without wars, it is necessary: Create the Advice of the World And be financed this Advice must not government, but each person. If each person sent 1% its incom in Advice of the World, that not it is necessary was spend the enormous facilities on contents Army. Create the Advice a religion, on decision all religious questions and undertaking the united prayer on the whole Land and beside all religion simultaneously. Can be, then the God will turn on us attention and will again take part in decision of the problems of the people. This is specified in Bibles that that priests dipose of Jesus, the God has left whole Land, and return only then, when all people on the Land will say "Will be saint going into the name of God ". And will come the Jesus in place, named Armageddon, and it is united reign, and will build the Advice. Let's make the united prayer of all people on the Land that God come back. I know six signs, on which possible find this place.
The God indicates that this Advice will is created in mountain, consider, in mountain Kirgizii, and begin it is necessary with associations religious for making the camp, for interested persons to throw to drink, smoke or use the drugs. There these people, could restore its will power and consolidate health amongst people religious, not drinking, not smoking well and certainly honored. The Boys, Girls of the women and men could there live as much as they considered necessary. This camp will become the base of the new understanding the relations between people. And Advice will is built on new relations. But for this, it is necessary to beside them was a work. And in this needs help all honored lyudey.
And work must be: Construction World vault valuables or World Bank on issue of the coins of the cashless calculation. It is Necessary to create on the Land united coin for all countries. The Coin must contain inwardly itself small chip, rememberring and defining, who will sell, who buies that sell, will how much is sell and write this information. Then not will possible get the bribes and unlawfully earned money. Will Not be able to exist the mafia and corruption. Therefore that its easy will possible check and probate sdelki.
Create on the Land united centre news and information that local mass media could not tell lies, hereunder, creating premiseses for wars. Such centre, being, for instance, in Kirgizii, could become independent. To Create the Advice of the formation to on the whole Land of the people trained fair. After all, the person becomes the personality, only getting formation. And if person wrong to bring up, then and are got crimes. After all each person, making anything, considers that he enters it is correct. It is Necessary to develop and introduce the Code for future May that full-grown knew, as it is necessary it is correct to bring up the children in infancies. The Household code for making the conditions of the correct education in family. United, equitable formation worldwide World for schoolboy and high school. And hereto Advice to add worldwide library and creation united, best uchebnikov.
Create the Advice, exploring and introducing best way of planet management, economy and people. Since exactly, the Advice gives the best result. There where shift to the right the Advices, there and prosperity. The Example Europe and China. And in USSR while there were Advices, was and prosperity. А about Advices is specified as far back as Bibles two thousand years back.
The United Academy of the sciences and technology that all achievements on the Land, were available all. After all exactly posession by advantage in science and technologies enables one country to succeed, but other will be poor, but poor can not get normal education.
Advice Stareyshin to check all these institutions with their own electoral structure on sample electoral sheriff in the USA.
The Advice of the association Nation. After all and Bible proves that all people has derived from Adam and Evy. Yes and science, has long ago proved that all people brother. National division of the people, one of the reasons of the origin voyn.
The United Advice of the Adjusting conflict. This Advice it is necessary to subordinate all power structures (military, safety, police body).
All underwritten, with God permitions is given was me in vision of the revelation on counsel religion, where us have visitted JESUS CHRIST and has distributed each of sitting calendar with prescriotions. My calendar began since March of the month, and is not specified was a year, where were entered all deal, which me must will do. As realize on will God in Glory Ego.
So offer to create the society of the progressive companies and people, where possible was communicate and work honestly. And let each will offer its offer about that, what do so that the world of the rule probity and fairness. It is Necessary to help the honored people and support them, then they will be able to fall into management and state and enterprise. Here and now beside authorities that, beside who there is denigi.
Each person tries to be rich. But when you rich, you begin to hate that you do not notice the necessities of the other people. It be rich and lucky, possible only if you live amongst equal people. But for this it is necessary to defeat its greed. Remember, when carry the spoon to рту that in this second on the Land someone die from hunger. In Bibles is said, return tithe needing or orphan. Let's do the site needing and honored people, which will help to each other. Whole help will is exposed on put and each will be able to check, correctness of the distribution and participate in distribution help.
Remember, money do not bring happiness. Only love and understanding give feeling happiness.
Let's together to search for happiness and fairness, and if you know, why two thousand years people can not live without war and at all can not create equitable society, on write mne.
Your offers will are considered and exposed on discussion on this site.
I f you will send money on making the camp, for one, wants to throw to drink, smoke or use drugs, that these money will are taken into account in section - Report.
I GUARANTEE that they will are spent on the Advice of the World.
Pavel Vityaev
Our e-mail:
Tel. 998-91-1654482
Addresses: Pavel Vityaev
str. Elituzar house 58 Tashkent, Uzbekistan 100167.
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