Advice of the World          

Tashkent                                                       For Russian                     December 02 20006ã           

                          Index   For English

     Reasons of the arising the wars mortgaged in characteristic of the human nature. Each wants to be rich, dear, independent and loved. These characteristic assessed on present-day reality, and bring about conflict. But we presently boron with effect of imperfect management planet.

No organ, completely solving conflict to situations by peace way.

No organ of protection from poverty and from hungry death.

No independent information agency.

Not system of protection is created from reception of the bribes, unlawfully earned money and facilities.

 Is Not created united, available all, and equitable system of the formation.

Not competent authorities of protection of the human rights is created in any point of the planet.

Not constitution of the planet is created.

    Created today management body are not truly independent are since financed not all world, but separate group having their own interests. UN - a governments. So we have solved to create the company "RADUGA" for preparing to making the Advice of the World and do its financing worldwide. Financing This the most complex question. The People do not want to pay its future. The Tax they pay only therefore that their force this does. If people will by itself translate 1 percent of its incom on count of the Advice of the World, and will give such commission contract to its bank or its enterprise, that soon, him no need will pay the enormous tax on contents Army. The Advice of the World, on its put, will show all received money and expose the full report about that, where they are directed. So people has were able send the money on contents and development of the Advice of the World or on concrete purposes, at own discretion, as well as check honored sharing the facilities. But to carry to consciousnesses of each person need financing the Advice of the World, needs the advertising company, prepared on high category. So we ask Your assistances in reception of the credit on development of documentation, creation to advertising company and realization given draft.

Director CHF "RADUGA"              Vityaev P.E.     INN:478378933

Yyandex money - 410013050112596

Vityayev  Pavel  for transfer of dollars 
NBU National Bank for foreign economic activity of the Republic of 
          Uzbekistan, Mirabad Branch.