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The reference to all religions of the world. It is time to create COUNCIL of RELIGIONS.

The economic crisis has put all people before danger of the beginning of world war for power resources.

Religious figures should address to the flock and take all measures on a non-admission of the beginning of war – for murder – a great sin.All religions the basis everyone on the canons, but a society develops. Also should develop and the doctrine about God. Association of Religions probably only on a basis: Gods cannot be much, it is uniform and uniform for all religions.

1. From fair and incorruptible representatives of religions to create Council about fair distribution of power resources and settlement of conflicts.

2. In each country, from believers to create branch on settlement of conflicts, the subordinate to Council

3. To representatives of Council and its branches to give full inviolability, worldwide.

4. To write and confirm the Code for representatives of Council and its branches.